Mega Weekend Success!

Thank you everyone who came out this weekend for Machine Shop Madness!

We don’t know exact numbers, but we’re guessing we had around 70 folks come out Friday to cookout and party with us. We had a ton of fun and played Skate or DieĀ  so much that we ended up cooking the right flipper coil! (Sorry Brad!)

We went through almost a hundred hot dogs, a similar number of drinks and about 50 freezer pops. Things went pretty late, but We’re happy to report that everyone made it home safe and sound.

The tournament on Saturday went great with a total of 38 players! We played six rounds of group match-play and 3 rounds of finals. Results were submitted to the IFPA today, so you should see them reflected on your stats soon.

Our top 4 winners were:

1: Stephen Le
2: Cliff Albert
3: Scott Davis
4: Tony Lastowka

We’ve already got our next event in the planning stages so keep your eyes and ears on our social media and sign up for our mailing list on the contact page!