Hot Gobs of Goblins!

The Ball Goblins are throwing a tournament at the Glenside Machine Shop on July 19! Frank has generously added ONE HUNDRED BUX to the prize pool! Check for more details!

“Frank You Very Much” and Progress Report

Some kind hearted folks donated a whole gosh dang game to the cause!
“Frank you very much” to anne and Nathaniel for donating Blackjack to us!

In other Frank news, we’re touring the space with an electrician this weekend to figure out power solutions and figure out costs. Wish us luck!

Mega Weekend Success!

Thank you everyone who came out this weekend for Machine Shop Madness!

We don’t know exact numbers, but we’re guessing we had around 70 folks come out Friday to cookout and party with us. We had a ton of fun and played Skate or Die  so much that we ended up cooking the right flipper coil! (Sorry Brad!)

We went through almost a hundred hot dogs, a similar number of drinks and about 50 freezer pops. Things went pretty late, but We’re happy to report that everyone made it home safe and sound.

The tournament on Saturday went great with a total of 38 players! We played six rounds of group match-play and 3 rounds of finals. Results were submitted to the IFPA today, so you should see them reflected on your stats soon.

Our top 4 winners were:

1: Stephen Le
2: Cliff Albert
3: Scott Davis
4: Tony Lastowka

We’ve already got our next event in the planning stages so keep your eyes and ears on our social media and sign up for our mailing list on the contact page!

A Brave New Post for a Brave New World!

Hello dear reader!

This is Matt speaking! You might be wondering, “How is he talking to me when I can’t see him?”

Well friend, I am using a miracle of modern technology, a series of tubes called “The Internet.” You may have heard of it under some of it’s more common names such as “the world wide web”, “cyberspace”, or “the information super-highway.”

Many people think this whole internet thing is just a fad, but we think it’s here to stay so we’ve decided to carve out a little space for ourselves here on the ‘net.

If you had visited our site a few days ago, you would have seen a static front page. Well, we’ve done away with that in favor of a blog-style front page. If you don’t know what a blog is, you better get with the times! Try a search for “blog” on yahoo, or Lycos to find out more. There’s a new one out there called google that I hear is getting pretty popular.

Anyway, if you’ve reached this page, you might have a few questions about Frank’s Super Game-O-Rama. I’ll try to give a brief summary here, but be sure to check out our FAQ page for greater info. If you are interested in helping with the Frank’s project, check out the How Can I Help? page. If you have any questions, you can reach out via the Contact page.

With all that out of the way, lets get onto a brief summary of Frank’s Super Game-O-Rama.

Frank’s will be a brick-and-mortar arcade/museum located in Philadelphia, PA. The project is simple at it’s core, but the hurdles are still high. We are looking to build a free-play community-focused arcade that brings fun and education to serious gamers and casual players alike.

I know what you’re thinking, “Dude, that just sounds like stupid fluff-talk. That’s what every place says”, and you’d be right to think that.

I’m not exactly known for being great with words, so rather than try and fill the page with a bunch of corporate sounding “positive vibes” lingo, let me just say some of the stuff we plan to do.

  • Open our doors to schools, STEM programs, Engineering programs, etc. for educational and fun field trips.
  • Give control of community events to the community itself. Run your own tournaments, organize your own leagues, host your own clubs with our complete support!
  • Start a Game Loan Program. You can loan your machines to the arcade for a cut of the profits.
  • Provide history, gameplay tips and videos on every machine in the space.
  • Have a dedicated space that can be used for education, birthday parties, or other functions.
  • Have membership options with members-only events. (If we’re lucky, maybe members-only jackets too!)

I hope this first official post gives you a rough idea of what we’re trying to achieve. Visit us every once in a while to see updates, we’ll post them here as they happen. Be sure to check out our FAQ page and our How Can I Help? page for more info and don’t be afraid to contact us. Seriously, I bet at least 2/3 of the people reading this have my direct phone number. Don’t be afraid to call!

Original Homepage Content

**NOTE** What you see in this post was the original content of the homepage. We have decided to change the homepage into a blog format so folks can keep up to date on the latest Frank news! 
moving letters icon

Holy moly Frank is riding the information super-highway!

Welcome to the online home of Frank’s Super Game-O-Rama! Throughout this site you’ll be able to find all kinds of info, like what our hours are, where we’re located, what games we have, what events we’re throwing and what kind of special services we offer. You’ll also be able to find historical information on the games that have graced the arcade and links to other fun gaming sites!

I know what you’re asking. You’re asking, “But Matt, I don’t see any of that cool stuff you’re talking about! Are you pulling my leg?”

Of course I’m not pulling your leg! Frank’s is still in the planning stages. I guess you could say Frank is a kitten but he’s growing fast!

We’ve received a lot of positive feedback and inquiries about Frank’s. I mean *A LOT.* People want to know what the heck is going on. We’ll be answering those questions in a bunch of ways:

– You’ll soon find a blog page on this very website that has regular updates on our progress!
– You’ll Soon find a FAQ page here to answer the most common questions we’ve received so far!
– The event page is already up, but it will be updated with more events!

While you wait though, don’t forget to check out our first upcoming event and boy-howdy, is it a doozy! Frank’s has teamed up with the Glenside Machine Shop, the BGPO (Ball Goblins Pinball Organization), and MaxPower to bring you a two-day flip-fest on May 31 and June 1!

You can see the details on the Events page but I’ll also post the flyer here!

GMS Flyer

construction man digging Page Under Construction, Bless This Mess! construction man digging

This is a test post from Frank

I is Frank. Frank is cat. How cat type? Not easy.