Greetings and salutations ye followers of the Frank, we’re back with another update! This week has been crazy, so let’s get right into it! 1: The Games  Frank picked up FIVE new games in just the last week!… Read More


There’s been A LOT of activity going on with Frank, that’s why there hasn’t been a lot of activity on the website. Let’s get this thing up to date! 1: The Games Frank’s been adding games like crazy… Read More

Hot Gobs of Goblins!

The Ball Goblins are throwing a tournament at the Glenside Machine Shop on July 19! Frank has generously added ONE HUNDRED BUX to the prize pool! Check for more details!

“Frank You Very Much” and Progress Report

Some kind hearted folks donated a whole gosh dang game to the cause! “Frank you very much” to anne and Nathaniel for donating Blackjack to us! In other Frank news, we’re touring the space with an electrician this… Read More

Mega Weekend Success!

Thank you everyone who came out this weekend for Machine Shop Madness! We don’t know exact numbers, but we’re guessing we had around 70 folks come out Friday to cookout and party with us. We had a ton… Read More

A Brave New Post for a Brave New World!

Hello dear reader! This is Matt speaking! You might be wondering, “How is he talking to me when I can’t see him?” Well friend, I am using a miracle of modern technology, a series of tubes called “The… Read More

Original Homepage Content

**NOTE** What you see in this post was the original content of the homepage. We have decided to change the homepage into a blog format so folks can keep up to date on the latest Frank news!  An… Read More

This is a test post from Frank

I is Frank. Frank is cat. How cat type? Not easy.